Tea Party Conservative

The left is trying to destroy the country. Lets take it back to the ways of the founding fathers!


Endorsement: Ted Cruz for TX Senate.

Posted by Stephen Calandrino on July 25, 2011 at 5:08 PM

As you all know, Texas Lt. Governor David Dewhurst has recently announced that he intends to run for US Senate in Texas.  Let's take a look at his record, shall we?  As State Senate President, he wrote a budget with billions in new spending, helped defeat a bill that would crack down on voter fraud, and stopped a bill that would have end the gropping done by the TSA in Texas.  RINO Alert!  The true conservative in this race is former Texas Soliciter General Ted Cruz.  I know, a conservaitve graduate of Princeton and Harvard is an oxymoron, but not in this case.  Ted Cruz has argued against the International Court of Justice and won to keep the US justice system intact against the radicals in the International Court.  He is pro business, and will stop any reckless spending from both parties. Please donate.


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