About the book:

In contemporary Tokyo, youth are lost. The future doesn’t seem bright, and life is boring. Ryo is an almost dropout college student, who spends most of his time alone or at a small bar tending it nightly. But his life will change drastically when a beautiful middle-aged lady appears at its door. She invites him to the shadow world of male prostitution for women of all ages. When he’s assigned to the demanding task of satisfying every kind of client, he finds the meaning of life for the very first time. His quest begins: to explore and understand the mysterious and strange world of female desires. All he has to do is to give, giving his heart, mind, and body. And his clients have problems, too. Their desires cannot be fulfilled by ordinary means. So he becomes a Call Boy.

This is our answer to Fifty Shades of Grey. The quest for pleasure doesn’t have to be a game of power. There’s no need to dominate people or submit yourself to anybody to release your hidden desire. There are guys who are willing to help you. Just ask for Call Boys. This is an odyssey of a young man in Tokyo who seeks his vocation in life and finds the joy of devoting himself in fulfillment of every woman’s dream. This is a most sophisticated erotica and an honest account of youth in the 90s.

The e-book includes:

  • Introduction by Felicity Savage
  • Translated by Lamar Stone
  • On Sale: May 24th at the Sony Reader Store



I wasn’t sure how to proceed. I’d never engaged in sex while being observed and graded. And I couldn’t seem to recall exactly how I’d gone about this activity I’d labeled boring. Nothing from my previous sexual experience would be of any use to me here.

Placing my hands on both of Sakura’s shoulders, I put my closed lips on her parted ones. I only brushed them lightly at first, and then, after pulling back to confirm the response in her eyes, I kissed her deeply. There’s no softer sensation in this world than that of lips parting lips, and tongue upon tongue.

That was the last of my calm awareness. After that, I was in the rapids.


Now on sale at the Sony Reader Store at $5.65, five percent off the list price. Buy.