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On civil disobedience
Neve Gordon, The Palestine Chronicle

Gaza families demand answers
Ma'an News

Goldstone and the 'peace process'
George Giacaman,

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Fairtrade Palestinian farmers
Al Jazeera
Palestinian filmmaker at Cannes
Nakba anniversary exhibit

Ramsey Nijem says UFC Fight Night 39 'was my title fight'

ABU DHABI - Ramsey Nijem's UFC Fight Night 39 appearance proved memorable in many ways for the 26-year-old veteran of "The Ultimate Fighter 13." A big win for the underdog, a $50,000 bonus check for the effort - all important milestones, but not what Nijem considered most important. 

Palestinian musician Hanni El Khatib on David Letterman

Los Angeles-based musician and singer Hanni El Khatib performed his blend of garage rock, thrash metal and blues on David Letterman last night. El Khatib is half Palestinian. 

Arab Idol contestant wins over fans as the 'voice of Gaza'

With his glinting smile and powerful vocals captivating audiences and panel of judges, an Arab Idol contestant has become the first Palestinian to advance into a late stage of the pan-Arab talent competition. Mohammed Assaf, from Gaza, has become a national icon among Palestinians. 

Palestinian composer debuts "Ya Way Li"

The exile, fear and frustration of Palestinians expelled from their homeland will be brought to life through John Bisharat’s composed autobiography "Ya Way Li." The piece, which is debuting April 20 with the Oakland East Bay Symphony in California, is part of the program, "Notes from the Middle East," which brings together viewpoints of Palestinians, Egyptians and Israelis through music.  

PHOTOS: Red Dragon Martial Arts Club in Palestine

Palestinian boys participate during a class at the Red Dragon martial arts club in Beit Lahiyeh, in the northern Gaza Strip. 

Palestinian Rappers Bring World Stage to Drom

Straight outta Lod, Israel: a trio that's often hailed as the first Palestinian hip-hop group will kick off a U.S. tour promoting its new album, "Dabke on the Moon," at Drom this Sunday. DAM was formed in 1998 by Mahmoud Jreri and brothers Suhell and Tamer Nafar. Suhell grew up loving the "fast lyrics and the beat" of hip-hop; his older brother Tamer at first hated the music but changed his mind when he heard Tupac Shakur's "Holler If Ya Hear Me." 

A Palestinian Youth Group Outside the Box

On the morning of Friday, Feb. 15, more than 200 Palestinian youths came from throughout the West Bank to gather in the center of Ramallah. They were not preparing for a national march or a demonstration at an Israeli checkpoint, as has been the practice during every similar gathering in the Palestinian territories. They all stood with backpacks and tennis shoes, listened to the briefing about the journey, distance and number of Israeli checkpoints along the way, boarded the bus that was waiting for them, and headed to that day's destination: al-Lubban al-Sharqiya village, south of Nablus.

Rock, Paper, Music: Intifada "Stone Thrower" Debuts Palestinian Soundscapes to Western Listeners

Extolled by Palestinians in the late 80s and early 90s, Aburedwan, better known to his fans as Ramzi - first caught the eye of Arabs worldwide in 1987 when a photographer famously shot a picture of him, dressed in a red coat and scuffed blue jeans, tears running down his eyes, an over-sized rock in each hand, just as he raised his right arm to hurl one at an Israeli sniper he witnessed shoot his classmate in the head as she walked home from a bakery. Now in his thirties, the West Bank's "stone thrower" is a globally recognized violinist, educator and peace activist. 

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