
Director Joss Whedon Talks Avengers: Age of Ultron, Possibly Teases Civil War

Discusses the global scope of the film.

In light of all the Marvel hype -- oh, you know, that slate reveal they dropped yesterday -- director Joss Whedon has confirmed the global nature of Marvel's Avengers: Age of Ultron, and reveals how the film will explore the world's divisive stance on superheroes.

Speaking with Marvel's web series The Watcher, Whedon disclosed all of the filming locations for the Avengers sequel, which include: the Italian Alps, Seoul, Johannesburg, Bangladesh and "all over England."

Interestingly, Whedon spoke of the impact of having a very global film, but also gave a possible Civil War tease, saying, "We wanted the world perspective on The Avengers. They're being The Avengers and that's a global thing and it doesn't make everybody love them, so we wanted to see both sides of that…"

Hm, choosing "sides" is certainly a big part of the Civil War storyline. The storyline -- which focuses on the divide in superheroes who believe or refuse to register themselves with the government, along with revealing their identities -- is confirmed to be the focus of the recently announced Captain America: Civil War.

You can check out Whedon's interview with The Watcher below:

Marvel's The Avengers: Age of Ultron opens May 1, 2015.

Anthony Couto is a writer for IGN. He’s just your average Babe (and a Pig in the City). Ponder with him on Twitter at @AnthCouto or on IGN at TonyCouto.

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