Mascote dos Jogos Olímpicos

Mascote dos Jogos Olímpicos

Who am I?

I’m a mixture of all the Brazilian animals. I was born out of the
explosion of joy that happened when they announced that Rio
would host the Olympic Games, on 2 October 2009.

Mascote dos Jogos Olímpicos

How old am I?

I was born on 2 October 2009, but my age is not
counted like yours, so nobody knows exactly what
it is. But I live my life playing, jumping, running and
smiling, just like all the kids.

Mascote dos Jogos Olímpicos

What is my special power?

I can stretch and stretch and stretch myself, as much as I want.
And since I’m a mixture of Brazilian animals, I can do all the
best things they can do: I can run faster, jump higher and be
stronger. I can also imitate the voice of any animal –
I’m super-communicative!

Mascote dos Jogos Olímpicos

What else do I like to do?

I play all Olympic sports. And I always hang out around
the city! My favorite pastime is making new friends,
that’s why I’m always connected. I love meeting people
from all over the world. My best friend of all is the
Rio 2016 Paralympic Games mascot.

Mascote dos Jogos Olímpicos

Where do I live?

I live in a tree-house, in the Tijuca Forest, which has become
a meeting place for the gang. From my home, we can see the
whole city and plan animal adventures.

Mascote dos Jogos Olímpicos


To spread joy throughout the world and celebrate the
friendship that flourishes between people from all over
the world at this super sports event.

Hear my story

Watch the video

Mascote dos Jogos Paralímpicos

Mascote dos Jogos Paralímpicos

Who am I?

I’m a magical creature, a fusion of all the plants in the
Brazilian forests. I was born out of the explosion of happiness
when we found out that the Paralympic Games were coming
to Rio, on 2 October 2009.

Mascote dos Jogos Paralímpicos

How old am I?

I was born on 2 October 2009, but my age is not counted like
yours, so there’s no way of knowing it exactly. All I know is
that there’s nothing better than playing, making friends and
relaxing in the forest.

Mascote dos Jogos Paralímpicos

What is my special power?

I use my head. I really do! To get myself out of any jam,
I pull the craziest objects out of my head of leaves. After all,
I know all the secrets of nature and I understand that with
creativity, intelligence and determination, we can achieve
whatever we want.

Mascote dos Jogos Paralímpicos

What else do I like to do?

I play all Paralympic sports. And I make the most of living
in Rio by playing a lot and adventuring outdoors! When I’m
not running around, I like to open a book and learn about
the world. I also love samba and all kinds of Brazilian music.
I enjoy making friends and sharing what I know. My best
friend is the Rio 2016 Olympic Games mascot.

Mascote dos Jogos Paralímpicos

Where do I live?

Around and about, mixed in with nature. I take naps on a
water lily in the middle of a refreshing lake. This way, I can
make the most of photosynthesis – sun bathing for me is
like a banquet.

Mascote dos Jogos Paralímpicos


To inspire everybody to use creativity and determination
to always reach further and have fun.

Hear my story

Watch the video


The Rio 2016 mascots are full of life and joy,
but they need names. Help us choose them.
Which ones do you like?

Two very Brazilian words that express feelings of joy,
of wanting to party with friends. “Oba” and “Eba” are
what we say when we’re really happy and want the
world to know. They could also be the names of the
Olympic and Paralympic mascots, who are all about fun!

In Tupi-Guarani, the language of indigenous Brazilians, “tiba”
means “a lot” – a lot of medals, joy and fun. “Tuque” comes
from “batuque’, which is the name given to the rhythm of samba.
“Esquindim” refers to our natural sway, our fondness for dancing:
just like our cheerful mascots!

Anyone who likes to sing, play and make friends will enjoy these
names: in honour of musicians and partners Vinicius de Moraes
and Tom Jobim. They were part of the group that created
Bossa Nova, the movement that got the whole world singing
about Rio’s beauty. A duo totally tuned into each other,
just like our mascots.

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Go back
Olympic mascot
Paralympic mascot

Have fun

Athletes of the Future
Selfie with the Mascots

