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Curbed Marketplace


Rendering Reveals

Contested Hudson Yards Tower Gets Another New Look

The vain 55 Hudson Yards has yet another new look. Spotted by YIMBY, renderings depict a parallelogram-shaped office tower with a framed glass facade that will rise on the northeast corner of 34th Street and Tenth Avenue. The building is designed by Kohn Pederson Fox, also behind three of the megaproject's five office towers including 10 and 30 Hudson Yards. The tower, which is criticized as being relatively small compared to its neighbors, will stand approximately 900 feet high with 1.3 million square feet.

More info + renderings >>

The new renderings mark the relatively stout building's third look, at least. Some may remember 55 Hudson Yards' laid-to-rest "diagrid" design for their World Product Center, commissioned by former site owner Extell. While both designs were completed by Kohn Pederson Fox, Related's acquisition means that the office space will officially be part of the mixed-use megaproject rather than an un-related entityµget it?
· Revealed: 55 Hudson Yards [YIMBY]
· All Hudson Yards coverage [Curbed]

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