New Defrag options in Windows 8

Looks like Windows 8 introduces some additional DEFRAG options.

Option Description Option Available
Windows 7 Windows 8
/A Perform analysis on the specified volumes Yes Yes
/C Perform the operation on all volumes Yes Yes
/D Perform traditional defrag (this is the default) No Yes
/E Perform the operation on all volumes except those specified Yes Yes
/H Run the operation at normal priority (default is low) Yes Yes
/K Perform slab consolidation on the specified volumes No Yes
/L Perform retrim on the specified volumes No Yes
/M Run the operation on each volume in parallel in the background Yes Yes
/O Perform the proper optimization for each media type No Yes
/T Track an operation already in progress on the specified volume Yes Yes
/U Print the progress of the operation on the screen Yes Yes
/V Print verbose output containing the fragmentation statistics Yes Yes
/X Perform free space consolidation on the specified volumes Yes Yes


There is little information yet about these options but I assume that they might have to do with the rumored new “protogon” file system and that there is more support for SSD included.

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