Voting Process FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions about the Voting Process

What's the difference between an entry and a nomination?
The Recording Academy receives over 20,000 entries per year.  Entries are recordings submitted for GRAMMY consideration. Entries that meet all eligibility requirements are then voted on by The Academy's Voting Members, and the results of that vote are the nominations.

What are the eligibility requirements?
For the 58th Annual GRAMMY Awards, albums must be released between Oct. 1, 2014 and Sept. 30, 2015. Recordings must be commercially released in general distribution in the United States, i.e. sales by label to a branch or recognized independent distributor, via the Internet, or mail order/retail sales for a nationally marketed product.  Recordings must be available for sale from any date within the eligibility period through at least the date of the current year’s voting deadline (final ballot).

How are recordings entered?
The Academy accepts entries online from its members and from registered media companies. Entrants are provided information on how to submit their recordings electronically for consideration.

Who can vote?
Recording Academy Voting Members only. Media companies do not vote.

Who qualifies as a Voting Member?
Recording Academy Voting Members are professionals with creative or technical credits on at least six commercially released tracks (or their equivalent). These may include vocalists, conductors, songwriters, composers, engineers, producers, instrumentalists, arrangers, art directors, album notes writers, narrators, and music video artists and technicians.

How many GRAMMY categories are there?
There are currently 30 fields (General, pop, gospel, classical, etc.) and 83 categories within those fields.

How are categories changed or added?
Proposals for changes to the categories are reviewed each year by The Academy's Awards & Nominations Committee, with final approval by The Academy's Trustees. Proposals may be submitted by any member. Contact the Awards department for more information.

What is the difference between Record Of The Year and Song Of The Year?
The Record Of The Year category recognizes the artist’s performance as well as the overall contributions of the producer(s), recording engineer(s) and/or mixer(s) if other than the artist. The Song Of The Year category recognizes the songwriter(s).

Are there vote solicitation guidelines?
Yes, see The Recording Academy Vote Solicitation Guidelines