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Hueneme Elementary School       

Home of the Mighty Thunderbolts


June 2016


June has arrived! We are in full swing in the 10th month of school and life is busy here

at Hueneme Elementary. 

Due to changes in the rules for the Local Control Accountability Plan and Local Control

Funding Formula, we need to adjust the number of minutes in our school day for next 

school year.  We will start school on August 30, 2016 next year at 8:00 a.m.  This time 

adjustment will also allow the teachers to have more time on our early release day to

collaborate to bring exciting lessons to our students and research ways to help our

students be more successful. We will continue to make sure you have all of the 

information you need to makes plans for the beginning of the next school year.

We are still striving for excellence in attendance during this last month of school.  

Teachers are working hard to make every day count, even the last day.  Please make 

sure that your student is present on time, every day!  We don't want them to miss a 


A few months ago we had a wonderful assembly about conflict management put on by

 Kaiser Permanente called "It's Stop Time!"  Our students learned that when they find 

themselves in a difficult situation that they should STOP, BREATHE and CHOOSE!  

As the students are choosing, we ask them to THINK before they speak or act!  As 

we THINKwe ask ourselves:

                                       Is it True or Trustworthy?

                                       Is it Helpful?

                                       Is it Important or Inspiring?

                                       Is it Necessary?

                                       Is it Kind?

If what we are about to say or do is not any of these, we should not say it or do it!

Finally, we ask our students to show their Thunderbolt PRIDE.  What is Thunderbolt PRIDE you ask?d staff to show their Thunderbolt  What is Th

It means:

Be a             Positive Influence.

Show           Respect and


Perform       Deeds of Kindness

                     Express compassion!

We also ask everyone to reflect on our Hueneme Guidelines for success: 








Finally, we would like to encourage our students to consider this special request:

"If you see someone who is struggling to make friends or being bullied because he or she doesn't have many friends or because they are shy or not as pretty or not dressed in the most popular clothes, PLEASE step up.  Say hi or at least smile at them in the hallway.  You never know what that person might be facing outside of school.  Your kindness might just make a HUGE difference in someone's life!"

We have a very busy month ahead!  Please check out the website and calendar for all of the wonderful details!  With something to think about and a WHOLE LOT of Thunderbolt PRIDE, have a great month!

Dr. Martha S. Romero                 



 Treat EVERYONE with dignity and respect!






Hueneme Office Staff
Principal: Dr. Martha S. Romero
Assistant Principal: Mr. Javier Torres
Counselor: Ms. Lucero Benitez
Office Manager: Mrs. Maribel Palomares
Office Clerk: Ms. Vivian Gonzales
Health Clerk: Mr. Tommy Cortez
Nurse: Mrs. Arlene Modell
  • Accelerated Reader Sweet Rewards
  • Spelling Bee Champ and Runner-Up
  • Mrs. Gomez' Class Studies Atoms
  • Mrs. Mortimer's Class Studies Atoms
  • Fun With Mrs. Nabors' Class
  • Bingo
  • Mrs. Grigg's Trimester 2 Award Recipients
  • Mrs. Ecklund's Trimester 2 Award Recipients
  • Attendance Challenge Winners
  • Attendance Challenge Winners
Grammar Gallery Post Checks
  • 2016 Amgen Tour of California
    Students and staff members had a great time cheering on the bikers in the 2016 Amgen race. We were excited by the many police vehicles, motorcycles, and cars with spare bikes driving in the race as well.
Hueneme Ca
  • Hueneme's Saturday School STEM Academy
    On Saturday, May 7th, students were treated to experiments including, "Drops on a Penny," "Dancing Raisins," "Spaghetti Towers," and "Gumdrop Shapes."
Accelerated Reader 100 Point Club
1. Kiera Dixon
2. Nevaeh Burnett
3. Stacey Rodriguez
4. Kyle Dalusong
5. Reweis Kirlos
6. Kevin Brannon
7. ALyssa Castañeda
8. Reweis Kirlos
9. Angelina Gonzales
10. Almareli Estrada
11. Dylan Poston
12. Maria Zarate
13. Samantha Roman
14. Sophia Roman
15. Kaitlyn Ball
16. Samantha McGovern Bayramian
17. Jesus Gonzales
18. Heidi Garcilazo
19. Alex Zavala
20. Jasaiah Williams
21. EVin Jiminez
22. Jesus Tapia
23. Cesar Almaguer
24. Jordan Whitney
25. Jaden Washington
26. Genevieve Zendejas
27. Patricia Castillo
28. Kayla Torres
29. Renton Doonan
30. Noelle Poise
31. Dalila Lomeli
32. Angie Aguilar
33. Alexiss Reyes
34. Michael Britner
35. Jewelysa Escutia
36. Joseph Ortiz
37. Kiara Zapata
38. Sierra Allison
39. Arabella Norton
40. Alexis Perez
41. Valerie Plancarte
42. Victoria Martinez
43. Melanie Montiel
44. Callies Santos
45. Zoey Swartz
46. Brayan Garcia
47. Abraham Rincon
48. Haylee Fox
49. Laila Odegbaro
50. Lucy Tamayo
51. Adriana Tamayo
52. Mariana Sanchez
53. Rayna Rodriguez
54. David Mendez
55. Dylan Irigoyen
56. Jaslene Petersen
57. Jacen Gonzales
58. Nathaniel Madrigal
59. Jasmyn Pacheco
60. Isac Zarate
61. Darshan Patel
62. Sophia Murray
Hueneme's AR Progress
We have passed the end of our 8th month of school! Oh my goodness! Where has the time gone? Now that Winter is gone, let's see if we can get our attendance up so that our average will be greater than 97% Research shows that student attendance has a major impact on how well a child does in school. Our ATTENDANCE BINGO Challenge is in place to motivate our students to be here daily. All of our classes have achieved the attendance goal for Round 1 (pencils)! Nearly all of our classes have achieved goal 2 (Principal's Recess)!
A good number of our classes have received a special Parfait Picnic for having made it to Round 3 of the challenge! Several of our classes are at Round 6 (Special lunch)! How exciting! For each day of perfect attendance (including NO TARDIES!), our classes receive one letter in the word ATTENDANCE. When the class has
completely spelled the word ATTENDANCE, the class receives a prize. Please see the website for more details. Our students and teachers are working very hard to have perfect attendance each day. Tardies continue to be a great challenge. As we tell the
students, "Don't be late; be here by 8:00!" The exterior gates are now closing at 8:00 a.m. Any students arriving after 8:00 a.m. will need to enter through the office. As long as they are in their classroom before 8:05 a.m. the students are on time. We understand that it is often very difficult to get your children up and to school every day,
especially during the cooler winter months, and we definitely cannot have excellent attendance at our school without you. We appreciate your assistance in helping our children to be responsible and learn the good habit of punctuality and promptness. The GREAT news is the Saturday Attendance Academy is WORKING! Please see the Saturday Attendance Academy block for more information!!!
  • Mrs. Faber -Teacher of the Month!!
    Every year one teacher is chosen from each school in the Hueneme School District to be its teacher of the month. Congratulations to Mrs. Faber, Teacher of the Month for March!!!!
  • Mrs. Faber's Wonderful Third Grade Class
Illness and Attendance
Illness also proves to be a great challenge for attendance during the late fall and winter months. Our school nurse, Nurse Arlene, asked us to please remind everyone, especially our students, to cough or sneeze into your elbow or a tissue. Especially
important is washing your hands or using hand sanitizer after coughing, sneezing or blowing your nose. In addition, she recommends that we drink plenty of water and choose nutritious foods rather than junk food and candy to help keep our bodies
healthy during cold and flu season. Finally, citrus fruits help provide us with needed vitamin C during this time of year.
Military Kids Club
Meets every Tuesday and Friday
Lunch Time
Grades 2-5
Please return a permission slip
to your child's teacher.

Military Kids FOCUS Group
January 25, 2016
Grade 1 - 11:00 am
Grades 4 and 5 - 11:30 am
January 26, 2016
Grades 2 and 3 - 11:15 am

March 7 and 8, 2016

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