Definition of child care in English:

child care


  • 1The action or skill of looking after children.

    • ‘A working mother of two is facing a weekend of single-handed child care while her husband attends a conference in Paris.’
    • ‘No recognition, beyond patronizing euphemisms, is ever given for housework and child care.’
    • ‘EOC research has found that men now do about a third of all parental childcare.’
    • ‘Working fathers still often play minimal or secondary roles when it comes to child care.’
    • ‘Research shows that women earn less than men and do the vast majority of the domestic chores and childcare.’
    • ‘In the long run that will probably only happen if fathers are willing and are given the opportunity to be just as involved in child care as mothers.’
    • ‘Men's and women's roles in childcare are related to the class-divided society we live in.’
    • ‘Women will still be doing the bulk of the household chores and childcare.’
    • ‘The group also offers support to parents and community groups who wish to access child care training.’
    • ‘While women may know most about child care and home hygiene, men may make budget decisions.’
    • ‘How can we look at these issues without acknowledging the role of fathers in childcare?’
    • ‘In this situation it is not enough to say childcare should rest with parents.’
    • ‘The magazines can help a woman or man become a better parent by reading about child care.’
    • ‘What is it about men and their utter inability to cope with the normal minutia of child care?’
    • ‘For example, men of color have been found to do more household labor and child care than do white men.’
    • ‘The author steers clear of medical jargon as she puts together handy tips on childcare.’
    • ‘However, in the household, women still are expected to perform child care and basic maintenance.’
    • ‘The centre is seeking names of people interested in taking a course in childcare.’
    • ‘The best nursery nurses have a talent for childcare that cannot be taught.’
    • ‘It is legitimate to expect men to play a role in taking responsibility for contraception and childcare.’
    1. 1.1The care of children by a day-care center, babysitter, or other provider while parents are working.
      • ‘Lack of childcare and transport can make it difficult for many women to access training and support.’
      • ‘Many agree that the government needs to invest more in parental leave and quality childcare.’
      • ‘Better yet, we could have personal tax breaks for everyone who has to pay for childcare.’
      • ‘There is much confusion about the type of childcare services available to parents.’
      • ‘Apart from the lack of jobs, the main obstacle for lone parents who want a paid job is the lack of childcare.’
      • ‘The best way of choosing childcare is to go and see a range of nurseries, childminders or other carers.’
      • ‘The cost starts early, with a third of the money going to working parents to help with childcare costs.’
      • ‘There are several different childcare options available to parents returning to work.’
      • ‘New staff can also be offered childcare on a temporary basis until they find something more permanent.’
      • ‘They will be able to meet and speak to special advisers about finding work, childcare and tax credits.’
      • ‘The problem is that there is no realistic scheme of funding or childcare.’
      • ‘She had won a place to become a student teacher but could not afford childcare for her daughter, Jessica.’
      • ‘It gives the opportunity to parents to work knowing that their children have high quality childcare.’
      • ‘The results also show that childcare will again be an issue in the next general election.’
      • ‘Of course, the middle-class mother in Britain may be able to afford private childcare.’
      • ‘She would get excited about going to parties with friends and looked forward to a career in childcare.’
      • ‘I think that the failure of the government to give working parents tax relief on childcare costs is a scandal.’
      • ‘If someone wanted to go into childcare they would be looking for a larger nursery than ours.’
      • ‘Those using childcare the most are managers, administrators and professionals.’
      • ‘Fortunately he was in childcare during this time and they were really good about it.’


child care

/ˈCHīld ˌker/