US Avoids War With Turkey as Trump Pulls Troops Out of Syria


Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan told the US he will invade Syria to attack the Kurds, a US ally. Trump pulls out.

The Wall Street Journal reports American Troops to Withdraw From Northern Syria Ahead of Turkish Incursion.

The White House indicated that U.S. forces will withdraw from northern Syria in advance of an expected incursion of Turkish forces in the region that could spark fighting with American-backed Kurds, in what officials believe could be the end of the fight against Islamic State there.

Turkey’s incursion might mean the complete withdrawal of American forces from Syria, a U.S. official said early Monday. Last year, Mr. Trump called for a complete U.S. withdrawal from Syria, but ultimately reversed himself after a backlash from GOP allies and top military officials.

Sunday night’s announcement came as U.S. officials have grown concerned that Turkey would mount a military incursion into northern Syria and set off a battle with Kurdish fighters known as the YPG, a group Turkey considers to be a terrorist affiliate of the Turkey-based PKK. The U.S. considers the Kurds allies in destroying Islamic State’s territorial hold in Syria.

Mr. Erdogan expressed “his frustration over the U.S. military and security bureaucracy’s failure to implement the agreement between their two nations,” and added that “the two leaders agreed to meet in Washington next month, per President Trump’s invitation.” The White House readout didn’t mention the prospective meeting, nor did it refer to the fate of the Kurds.

If Turkey conducts a widespread incursion using heavy arms and forces, the U.S. might have no choice but to pull its more than 1,000 troops out of Syria to avoid a potential conflict with a North Atlantic Treaty Organization ally, officials have said. U.S. officials said they harbor deep misgivings about withdrawing troops from the area and leaving their close Kurdish allies to an uncertain fate.

It remained unclear late Sunday what Turkey’s incursion into northeastern Syria would mean for the thousands of soldiers captured during the fight against Islamic State. The U.S. official said there was no formal agreement with Turkey over custody of the fighters, but if Turkey was to mount a major incursion, the problem would be all theirs, the official said.

There are nearly 2,000 foreign fighters being held in a handful of detention facilities in northern Syria by the SDF; another 10,000 Syrian and Iraqi fighters are being held there. Tens of thousands of family members—as many as 80,000—are also living in special camps set up for them, officials said. During the fight with Islamic State, the fighters were detained, mostly by members of the SDF.

Understanding the Convoluted Mess

  1. The US is in Syria to fight ISIS. ISIS is a direct result of the US invasion and overthrow of Saddam Hussein in Iraq.
  2. The Kurds are the only US ally in Syria.
  3. Turkey, an alleged US NATO ally, is poised to invade Syria to eliminate the Kurds.
  4. Iran and Turkey have a peaceful relationship and are major trading partners.
  5. Trump's sanctions on Iran harm Turkey.
  6. Turkey recently unleashed a new flood of refugees into Greece with more to come. Last month, the Greek website ekathimerini reported Erdogan Threatens to Flood Europe with Some 5.5 Million Refugees.
  7. Turkey is holding the refugees in return for a bribe payment from the EU initiated by German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
  8. Erdogan wants more money from the EU and for the US to get out of Syria so that it can attack the Kurds.
  9. Syria, Lebanon, Kuwait and Iraq are allies of Iran.
  10. The US invaded Iraq in the first US-Iraq war to support Kuwait.
  11. Saudi Arabia, Jordan and United Arab Emirates back the US against Iran.
  12. To the ire of Trump, Turkey recently purchased an S-400 air defense system from Russia and cooperates with Moscow in Syria.

Incirlik Air Base

For icing on the mess, 50 of America's nuclear weapons are stationed at Incirlik Air Base in Turkey, just 70 miles from the Syrian border.

What can possibly go wrong?

Mike "Mish" Shedlock

Comments (20)
No. 1-12

If anyone's playing 4D chess in this scenario, it's Erdogan. I didn't think much of him for a long time but he's played the game well in recent years. His attacks on the House of Saud were particularly impressive.

Last year Trump made noise about getting out of Syria entirely, now we're dragging our feet on leaving only the north. So much for ending the wars, peace breaking out, and the rest of the Q-Anon delusion!



"Other than Wagner and his many Tesla-obsessed aliases, 2banana is probably the biggest troll here. He's not an idiot, he knows how corrupt the Fed and the bankers are, but for some reason is determined to be a partisan jackass anyway. The last few times I called him out he didn't even respond."

Would not surprise me in the least if they were the same person.



2banana says "If there was any fairness - you should be forced to live it in it instead of infecting more sane areas with your political foolishness."

That was in response to me leaving Illinois

Asinine comment of the year - and obviously false too

I support reduced government and government spending. Trump ought to try it.

I am against public unions and have been all my life. Never once voted for a union candidate which makes 2banana a liar.

Trump did nothing on that score. Nor did he propose bankruptcy reform which easily would have passed.

For that, 2banana exposes his anti-Mish bias to the nth degree.

He is clearly a delusional "Trump can do no wrong kind of idiot" hiding behind a TDS accusing mask.

And on top of it, he proposes a policy that amounts to once you are born in a blue state you cannot leave it.

2banana you are really pathetic.

Thanks for exposing yourself

Note: copying this to all new posts until I am sure he has seen it. No response in the next three more posts counting this and he is gone



Not really 4-D chess just playing hardball. What can Trump do but pull out?

Oh ... and brag about it

Of course, we had no business there or in Iraq in the first place


The USA is in Syria for different reasons. Mainly to weaken Syria, its leader and its people. If it were just about ISIS, the USA would have worked together with Assad. In reality, the USA allowed ISIS and Al Qaeda to thrive by never criticizing Turkey for supporting those organisations, and even now supporting their save haven in Idlib.


Sometimes the only way to get peace is to have a war. I've always felt that way about the middle east. The current setup is untenable. Too many adversaries in one place. I think the west should pull out of the middle east and let them have at it. And whatever consequences occur, everyone has to live with. If the Sunni's want war with the Shiite's, let them have it. If they all want to battle Israel, go at it. I suspect we'll discover there's a lot more bark than bite among the ME nations.


I think most of us, even if we supported the Iraq war (I did), can agree that these wars have proven to be a mistake. Getting out is the right choice. I hope we do the same in Afghanistan and then avoid more of the Libya type debacles also.


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"1. The US is in Syria to fight ISIS. ISIS is a direct result of the US invasion and overthrow of Saddam Hussein in Iraq."

No, Mish. The US is in Syria to control the Conoco oil fields and deny this fuel to the Syrian government. Our "withdrawal" from Syria is really a reposition from the Turkish frontier to the Euphrates, in case the Syrian government forces attempt to retake their oil fields as the Kurdish YPG moves northward. And ISIS is a direct result of the CIA, not the overthrow of Saddam. Geez, there are 10 years between Saddam's overthrow and the appearance of ISIS. In fact -- and I do emphasize FACT -- ISIS was formed at a well-photographed meeting of McCain in Syria in 2013 with the conspirators al-Baghdadi, the founder of ISIS, the criminal kidnapper Mohamed Nour, and Abu Ibrahim, the liver-eating cannibal of al-Qaeda. Snopes and the NYT worked overtime debunking tales of that crucial meeting, because that's what they're paid to do.


.....and I think to myself.....WHAT A WONDERFUL WOOOORLD.... technologized , informatized,monetized, globalized, and probably many other ' izeds' ....except CIVILIZED...... 10K years later we remain just as primitive underneath a thin veneer that would disappear in a jiffy if necessary ... ANIMALS we are.... the worst, most perverse and destructive kind on the planet ......must be our 'intelligence' ...


US troops withdraw from their positions in Northern Syria. Where does it say that they will completely leave the country, and not merely relocated to a different part of Syria?


This reinforces the fact that those locals who aid the US in their conflicts will be left on the rack after the US gets tired of the game. Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria. The Kurds are the ultimate example of this. Think there will chances of blowback?