Power through Representation

Power through Representation

We build the political power of our community by helping elect openly transgender people to positions at all levels of government. We need more transgender representation to win changes in policy and to shape the public’s understanding about transgender people’s lives.

By focusing on high-profile candidates and those who are in winnable races, the NCTE Action Fund helps push endorsed candidates over the finish line.

NCTE Action Fund was also founded in 2017 in large part to influence the 2020 Presidential election. Transgender people’s lives depend on having a President that actively and whole-heartedly supports transgender equality.

2020 Endorsements

On May 5, 2020, the NCTE Action Fund made its first-ever Presidential endorsement: Joe Biden for President of the United States.

Previous Endorsements

In 2019, the NCTE Action Fund endorsed Danica Roem for the second time, for her successful re-election to the Virginia House of Delegates.

In 2018, the NCTE Action Fund endorsed Brianna Titone for Colorado State Representative and Gerri Cannon for New Hampshire State Representative, who are the second and third sitting transgender state representatives (after Danica Roem became the first in Virginia in 2017). NCTE Action Fund also endorsed Alexandra Chandler for U.S. House of Representatives (MA-3), Christine Hallquist for Governor of Vermont, Kim Coco Iwamoto for Lieutenant Governor of Hawai’i, Amelia Marquez for Montana House of Representatives, and Melissa Sklarz for New York State Assembly.

In 2017, upon the NCTE Action Fund’s launch, it endorsed its first three candidates: Andrea Jenkins and Phillipe Cunningham, who both ran and won seats on the Minneapolis City Council, and Danica Roem, for Virginia State Delegate, who became the first openly transgender state legislator to take office. NCTE Action Fund staff went door-to-door in Roem’s district to help get out the vote. Another 5 openly transgender candidates won in 2017.

Due to federal and state election laws, the NCTE Action Fund’s ability to assist and support endorsed candidates varies. In some states, the NCTE Action Fund can only endorse a candidate, while in other states, the NCTE Action Fund staff can go door-to-door, encourage volunteers to do the same, and encourage donations to the campaign.