Our full name is the School for Cultural and Social Transformation, but that’s awfully long, so we’ve adopted the nickname Transform. We feel like it embodies what we are, do, and feel.

Innovative Scholarship

• Interdisciplinary Research
• Faculty
• Publications

Coalition Building

• Policy
• Service Projects
• Leadership
• Community Relationship

Practical Expertise

• Types of Courses
• Praxis
• Events

Our divisions and programs share cutting-edge concepts, faculty, and space. Our goal is to forge the wave of the future for the study of shifting sexualities, changing genders, dynamic immigrations, and emergent struggles against all racist thought and actions.

Message from the Dean

Want to change the world? Action needs ideas. Action needs excitement, hope, and debate.

We at the new School for Cultural and Social Transformation are ready to think with you. Ready to shape the leaders—you—who will put ideas into forceful motion.

Excitement: We are a new college home for the new-look Divisions of Gender Studies and Ethnic Studies, poised to grow together as academic units who will share cutting-edge concepts, faculty, and future space. Our convergence forges the wave of the future for the study of shifting sexualities, changing genders, dynamic immigrations, and emergent struggles against all racist thought and actions.

Hope: We are fostering real-world thinking for hopeful change in a fitful world.

Debate: For these reasons, we are seeking student-thinkers ready to examine the changes all around us, to debate thoughtful practices surrounding anti-bigotry and fairness for all.

To act, we must think. We want to think with you.

Dr. Kathryn Bond Stockton
Dean of the School for Cultural and Social Transformation
Associate Vice President for Equity and Diversity