January 19th, 2010
09:35 PM ET
9 years ago

Scott Brown wins Mass. special election

Boston (CNN) - Republican Scott Brown won a major upset victory in Tuesday's special election for the U.S. Senate seat formerly held by liberal Democrat Ted Kennedy.

With more than three-quarters of results counted, Brown had 52 percent of the vote to 47 percent for Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley, the Democratic candidate, according to the the National Election Pool, a consortium of media organizations including CNN. Independent candidate Joseph Kennedy, a libertarian who is not related to the Kennedy political family of Massachusetts, had 1 percent.

Brown's victory made real the once unthinkable prospect of a Republican filling the seat held by Kennedy, known as the liberal lion, for almost 47 years until his death due to brain cancer last August.

Filed under: Scott Brown
soundoff (58 Responses)
  1. Councilman Mark Schoenfeld

    Scott Brown is the messiah of the conservative party. The liberals have been so arrogant and cocky in destroying our rights in 12 short months, the entire country including Democrats is terrified. Scott is on his way to a very successful somewhat like "Reaganite" approach to government, I hope. I am just beside myself. Just when I thought the Constitution was dead and buried, we may see it has only been comotose.

    January 19, 2010 10:22 pm at 10:22 pm |
  2. Jay Baum

    Finally a beacon of real "HOPE" shining in a sea fraught with peril. Now America can "CHANGE" it's course back toward the safe port of our Constitution. Now that is "CHANGE" we can live with !

    January 19, 2010 10:25 pm at 10:25 pm |
  3. Four and The Door

    Congratulations to Scott Brown! You have made this seemingly impossible victory happen when we all needed it most and you did it with class. The people of Massachusetts have given you a mandate and you now have the wind behind you to bring our Federal Government back from serving the politicians to serving the people. Great job!

    January 19, 2010 10:28 pm at 10:28 pm |
  4. josiah

    way to go Obama – real great – someone or many should be fired for their lack of creativity and foresight in predicting this – if this is how Boma runs his ship then they deserve to lose the majority – I'm a Democrat and I'm sick of the LAME, weak, and pathetic way Democrats are conducting themselves and the people's business – way too busy playing crap politics and blustering form an incoherent mob of idiots – do you realize what your slack attitudes and vision have just allowed to happen – really OBAMA – where is the CHANGE – you ain't done nothin!

    January 19, 2010 11:23 pm at 11:23 pm |
  5. wayne yokley

    congratualtions ! Nothing like a hypocritical jerk to win !

    I find you a total "slick" nut...........and the the way you used your lovely family a few minutes ago confirms that.

    Are you real or a programmed alien ???????????????????

    I expect an answer.

    You are evil.


    January 19, 2010 11:50 pm at 11:50 pm |
  6. Me

    Thank God for the voices of MA! The people have spoken!

    January 20, 2010 12:24 am at 12:24 am |
  7. mark

    congrats Scott Brown – the people have spoken!

    January 20, 2010 12:46 am at 12:46 am |
  8. normajean

    The state of Massachusetts and the Democrats of that state should be ashamed to sit back and let the "do nothing' Repubs take over the Senate seat of a man of Ted Kennedys stature. A man of integrity, dignity and a real statesman. Somebody really dropped the ball in lack of preparation for this disgustingly poor showing,I don't know what form of health insurance you have in that state, but knowing that this person was in a position and promised to put down the health plan in progress should have had the whole state working to defeat him. You goofed and it's going to cost the whole country a health plan which is desperately needed.

    January 20, 2010 02:21 am at 2:21 am |
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