Berk's Grapevine


Thanks for all the... DRAGONS!

This video of over a hundred dragon fans from Berk's Grapevine and beyond saying "dragons" is dedicated to the Dragon creators who contributed to the world of How to Train Your Dragon. Thank you for all of your creativity, hard work, and for the many years of dragons!

We dragon fans are a diverse bunch! We're from all around the world and speak dozens of langauges. We all kinds of amazing character and dragon outfits. Some of us have seen The Hidden World more times than we can count! We read the books, watch the films and shows, have posters, graphic novels, action figures, stuffed dragons, and more, And we all love and appreciate How to Train Your Dragon!

Did you participate in the video? Can you spot your friends? The amount of work everyone put into their submissions is crazy! Don't forget to rewatch and pause to spot the subtle details!

Upcoming Snoggletog Short or Episode? [UPDATED]

UPDATE: There is no reason to believe that this is related to the episode "Snoggletog - Pt. 2" or Rescue Riders in general. As far as we know, both the script below and Rescue Riders are still intended for release on Neflix and do not necessarily involve voice work from Jay. However, this is still a fun moment showing how Jay records for the films and TV show!

Snoggletog has come early! It looks like we might be getting another dragons holiday short or episode, based on an Instagram story shared by Jay Baruchel. In the story, we hear Jay recording two lines:

"That why we want to bring back the Snoggletog pageant!"
"So we were thinking we would like the bring back the Snoggletog pageant!"

While most people are speculating that this may be a Snoggletog short, it may also be an episode of the upcoming Netflix show DreamWorks Dragons: Rescue Riders. In October, Brennley Brown, a cast member of Rescue Riders shared two scripts on her Instagram story, one of which had a title "Snoggletog - Pt. 2." Left of the title may be an episode number, though it's unclear at the resolution of the image.

What do you think the recording is for?

Dawn of New Riders: New TV Show or Short?

This week, DreamWorks Animation filed for trademarks in the United States and Canada for a new name that seems very dragon-related: DreamWorks Dragons Dawn of New Riders!

This might be an updated name for the show we discovered several months ago, DreamWorks Dragons: Rescue Riders. Another possibility is that Dawn of New Riders is a companion short film to Rescue Riders, mirroring the short Dawn of the Dragon Racers that launched Race to the Edge.

The new name suggests that DreamWorks is planning to expand the Dragons universe beyond Hiccup and his group of riders. And that means new stories featuring new main characters and new dragons! This makes sense: Dean DeBlois has mentioned several times that the story of Hiccup and Toothless will come to an end after How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World.

Because there are few references to the name other than the trademark, the intent is still unclear. Nothing has been released publicly about this new name until October — only people related to DreamWorks would have likely known about the Dawn of New Riders name before this week.

However, we know that Dawn of New Riders as a name existed before September 12, the date when NBC Universal registered the domain name On the same day, a Twitter account @DawnofNewRiders with the name “Dragons Dawn of New Riders.” Finally, an Instagram account under the same name also existed on October 18 before this article was published.

One other recent article about new media trademarks, published on October 12, mentions Dawn of New Riders. The writer of this article does not have any additional information than the trademark listing shared in this article. In the article, the author guesses that the Dawn of New Riders might be an upcoming film or short. Their guesses may end up being true — but this is only speculation, not a known fact yet.

Another thing to keep in mind: DreamWorks has trademarked very selectively. For instance, Rescue Riders, Race to the Edge, and The Hidden World have been trademarked. However, the other "Dawn" of the series — Dawn of the Dragon Racers — has never been trademarked.

Recently, we've seen other information show up online about what appears to be a Dragons TV series, possibly Rescue Riders or Dawn of New Riders. This includes two new script pages for what seems to be an episode called "Snoggletog — Pt. 2."

Is Dawn of the Dragon Racers a new TV series? Has Rescue Riders been updated with a new name? Do you think it's a companion short? Or is it something else? Share what you think in the comments!

Finally, the usual disclaimer: DreamWorks has not yet officially announced any of this. Because it's still in-progress and a secret, people working at DreamWorks cannot and will not tell you anything about this if you ask them! Please be kind to DreamWorks people you follow online — do not ask them about this until something official has been released!

Trader or Traitor? Discussion with Michael Goldstrom

Two weeks ago, you submitted questions for Michael Goldstrom, voice actor of Trader Johann in DreamWorks Dragons. In his interview on Dragon Academy Dropouts, Michael Goldstrom answers your questions, tells about his experiences at DreamWorks, and reveals:

When he found out he was playing a villain?
What is his favorite dragon of all time?
Is he as long-winded as his character?
What Trader Johann fan stories you should write?
Would he rather have Hiccup's flight suit, or Hiccup's fire sword?
And many more answers to questions you asked!

While listening, check out a gallery of Michael Goldstrom recording at DreamWorks for Riders of Berk, Defenders of Berk and Race to the Edge including some faces you might be familiar with!

Thanks for submitting questions, and to Michael Goldstrom for answering them!

Rescue Riders: Dragons Netflix Series Scheduled for 2019

After six incredible seasons, Race to the Edge is finally over! And before that, we had the equally amazing Riders of Berk and Defenders of Berk on Cartoon Network. Yet, the question remains: what amazing new Dragon material will DreamWorks share with us next? How long will we have to wait?

The wait may be over! We're excited to share with you the name and some very early details of a new series with the title DreamWorks Dragons: Rescue Riders!

Rescue Riders is not just a new season, but a completely new potentially multi-season Netflix series. The new series has been in production since November 2017 or earlier, and as of May 2017, has been scheduled for release on Netflix in 2019. Of course, this is an unofficial announcement with no word from DreamWorks yet. This means that details and dates may change. It's unclear whether Rescue Riders is intended to be released before or after Dragon 3. And it's equally unclear whether the events in the series will take place after Race to the Edge, Dragon 2, or even Dragon 3!

But here's something we do know: there may be merch! We also know some of the Race to the Edge team will be returning, such as the Emmy Award-winning writer and producer Jack Thomas. We'll also be seeing some new characters on the show: John C. McGinley, who played Dr. Cox on Scrubs, will be voicing a character named "Grumblegard."

One last note: DreamWorks has not announced this yet. Everything we know about Rescue Riders has been cobbled together from a variety of sources online, not from DreamWorks. This means that people working at DreamWorks likely can't say anything yet. Please be kind and don't bombard DreamWorks people online with questions about a series they can't discuss — you will learn nothing!

Trader or Traitor? Ask Johann's Voice Actor Yourself!

We expected character development in the television series, but no one expected so much from Trader Johann. At the start of the series, few people knew of the young, low-level trader named Johann. Yet, by the final season, Trader Johann nearly conquered Berk and with it entire archipelago alongside it and was the villainous force that drove the story toward How to Train Your Dragon 2.

Certainly, you must have questions about the mysterious trader. Who wouldn't? And now, you have the opportunity to ask Johann voice actor and expert, Michael Goldstrom! Along with his wide range of voice and screen work, Michael Goldstrom has been the voice of Trader Johann for the last six years — ever since his original appearance in Riders of Berk in 2012!

Submit your questions on Dragon Academy Dropouts

by Wednesday, February 21 at 12 p.m. EST

We're looking forward to hearing your questions for Michael Goldstrom about his role as Trader Johann and what it's like to be a voice actor in the DreamWorks Dragons television show!

Race to the Edge Valentine's Day Livestream

Race to the Edge is coming out on Friday on Netflix, but it sounds like DreamWorks has something extra planned for us tomorrow, on Valentine's Day:

Dragon riders! Tune in to Facebook Live this Wednesday at 4:30 PM PT as we celebrate Valentine's Day and the all new season of Dragons: Race to the Edge coming to Netflix this Friday! Select fans will have the chance to receive a custom Valentine's Day card created by our special guests! See you there!

That's 7:30 PM Eastern time or 12:30 AM UTC:

Race to the Edge Valentine's Livestream

Will we see the first episode of the new season? Will Jay Baruchel and America Ferrera show up in a live motion capture scene as Hiccup and Astrid to give away dragon swag? We'll find out tomorrow!

Here's a direct link to the stream!

Race to the Edge: Season 6

It's finally arrived! Here is the trailer for Race to the Edge, Season 6, which will be released on Netflix next Friday, February 16. Along with it, a description of the upcoming episodes:

Valuable lessons are learned among the dragon riders all while they work together to finally unearth the true leader of the Dragon Flyers, discover an unlikely ally, and struggle to fight when the fate of all dragon-kind is put at risk. Hiccup, Toothless, and the rest of the riders embark on the most daring journey yet in an all new season of Dragons: Race to the Edge comes Netflix February 16!

What do you think will happen in the next season?

Snotlout Snotlout, Oi, Oi, Oi: Talking with Zack Pearlman

The last season of Race to the Edge brought fun new moments and character development for each of the riders, but perhaps none as many as for Snotlout. To get an insider glimpse into the mind of Snotlout (a.k.a., the Snotmind), we talked with Zack Pearlman, Snotlout's voice actor in Race to the Edge, and shared with him some of your questions:

This season, and across the show, there have been a lot of hilarious moments for Snotlout. What is your personal favorite Snotlout moment, either this season or across the show?

When Fishlegs turns into Thor Bonecrusher. That, to me, is the best, because you get to watch Snotlout be a fanboy. It's such a flip for Snotlout to be impressed by someone and not have to fake it. For me, those are the best moments. You get to see a part of Snotlout where he's like a little kid who's so impressed by another person.

How about you? What's your favorite?

I love the Thor Bonecrusher moments, and I think in this season Snotlout has a lot of fun moments with Dagur. What was that like? How did the relationship with Dagur show us a different side of Snotlout?

Snotlout is usually the toughest and meanest, so any time he's put in his place or scared, that's the best. You get to see this other side of Snotlout. Any time he fumbles and someone picks it up, he immediately feels like an idiot. You get to see the bully be bullied, and that's always fun, and I love that.

A lot of characters from day one on the Edge have changed a lot. In some ways, Snotlout hasn't. But in other ways, he has. In what ways do you think Snotlout has changed the most?

I would say, especially in this season, he gets bullied. That's new for him. He's starting to become the butt of jokes. And he doesn't know how to deal with it, really. I love to see that change in Snotlout where he doesn't have an answer for everything immediately. I love to see his sympathetic side and his more empathetic side.

As these characters are growing up, they start to understand that life isn't the fun game that is was, and there are real consequences for your actions. Snotlout is a guy who holds himself at such a high rank. Any time he gets knocked down, you get to peel back a layer and see a more real human rather than the kind of god he portrays himself to be.

Do you think that, as the show progresses, we deal with more tricky situations and challenging problems that start to push at the riders? How is Snotlout most pushed by these challenges?

Snotlout has to understand that he can't just do stuff alone. He really needs to rely on the other riders to succeed. I also think there's a lot of trust-breaking in this season. Relationships change really quickly, especially in this season. So it's a moment of understanding that humans can lie, and humans can be deceitful. Snotlout, as much as he's kind of a mean guy, he usually wants what's best — he wants the credit for it — but he wants what's best for the group. And so, for him to start to face things that aren't necessarily best for the group, or things he can't handle on his own, you start to see a more real side of this person.

Are there parts of Snotlout that you see in yourself? And what parts do you not?

I am not a bully, I don't have any bullying bones in my body. I do see a little bit of the Snotlout in me that victimizes himself when he doesn't need to. I see the part of Snotlout that is a little bit louder than he needs to be. And I also see the empathetic side of him, when he recognizes he doesn't need to be the loudest or the most in-front or present. You also get to see that side a lot in that season.

When you're trying to bring a character to life as a voice actor, what is the most challenging part — either in general or specifically to Snotlout?

I will say this. It's been so long that I've gotten to be with Snotlout that it takes just one line for me to jump back in. Which is scary, to say the least!

There's a famous story about Mel Blanc. He was Bugs Bunny, and pretty much all of those Warner Brothers characters. He went into a coma and they didn't know how to get him out. So his son and a doctor acted like they were in a recording session, and were like, "Is Bugs Bunny there?" And while he was in the coma, he would just start speaking as Bugs Bunny, and eventually, he woke up!

I feel like if I were ever in a coma, all someone would need to do is go, "Snoutlout!" and I would start talking like him!

Snotlout, Snotlout, oi, oi, oi!

Exactly! A little bit of Snotlout could save my life!

What is the strangest or most fun moment you had recording Snotlout?

I think this was maybe two seasons ago. When Snotlout had to be drunk, and woozy, and completely out of character. That, to me, was one of the most fun times. There was also an episode where his tongue gets puffed up.

…anb he gepts to talbk lik thibs all the timbe…

That was also a great time. Any time where he does a full 180 in terms of characters is, for me, the best. Because we get to explore a side of him that I don't necessarily get to jump into. It's like the writers and I are meeting this part of Snotlout for the first time, so a lot of it ends up being organic or improvised.

Did you have a chance to have a record with other actors?

It's so rare to be able to record with other people because everyone's bouncing around. But I've gotten to record with TJ Miller (Tuffnut) and Andree Vermeulen (Ruffnut) and both are incredible improvisers and so fun to bounce off of. Tuffnut and Ruffnut especially, when I get to watch them record together, it's pretty insane.

You've voiced Snotlout for a long time and seen these characters grow up between Riders and Defenders and Race to the Edge. Is there a difference in how you think of Snotlout in these two different parts of the series?

I think with Snotlout, he can't be the biggest guy anymore. He can't be the toughest and meanest because everyone else is growing up too. And everyone is coming into their own and has their own abilities and special skills, especially that we've been riding dragons for so long, that he can be still boisterous, but he gets put in his place and recognizes that he can't just be the bully kid that he used to be able to.

Also, everyone knows about him and his dad, and his brothers, and how he's the lowest on that totem pole, which explains all the bullying this season. It's been cool to be part of the character growth where I can't just be a freewheeling kid anymore. He has responsibilities now, and you definitely get to play into that.

What do you think of the relationship between Snotlout and Gustav?

Gustav! What's funny is it started as a mentorship, then quickly became Gustav might have been better than Snotlout. And then you get to see almost a rivalry and get to see Snotlout realize how he was when he was a kid, and how mean he was. So it's self-reflective, if anything. He gets to look at a mirror five years in the past.

Going back to voice acting, there are a lot of people here interested in animation or the voice acting side of the TV series. Do you have advice for people interested in voice acting on a show like this?

You need to start to actively put it out there that it's what you want to do. The only way to work toward anything is to be proactive in your own life. Whether that means constantly posting on — what's that site called, DeviantArt? I don't know what that site is. Or just finding people in your community.

For voice acting, the biggest thing you can do is watch as many cartoons as you can. I'm a kid who grew up on cartoons. I was watching Ren & Stimpy when I was way too young to watch Ren & Stimpy. And Rocko's! And I would imitate those voices. When I got a chance to audition, I realized pretty quickly that this opportunity had less to do with me, and more to do with the character.

I would say maybe that's my advice. Recognize that any opportunity you get, you're trying to be a character. You're trying to project yourself as that character. And if someone doesn't want it, that doesn't mean you did a bad job or you failed, it just means that wasn't what they were looking for.

So keep working! And keep trying! Because this business is hard and weird. And there are no promises. For me, this was my first voice audition.

Wow, really?

Yeah! Which has been an incredible journey. Since my first voice audition, I've gotten to be the same guy for six years! Which is pretty nuts! You know, this is the anomaly. This is a crazy thing that doesn't happen to everyone. So recognize the process, and as long as you keep working — even if you're doing voices and sending them out to YouTube animators who need help — be involved in the community you want, as you can.

Here's something we're all curious about: What exactly did Snotlout say to Astrid this season in "Snotlout's Angels"?

Oh boy, my guess would be something about Hiccup's leg. I would say it had less to do with her, and more to do with who she likes. I think she can take any amount of BS from Snotlout, but I think he really knows how to push her buttons — and that's with Hiccup!

Thanks a lot for talking with us! We're huge fans of the show, and of Snotlout! And we can't wait to see what will happen in the next season!

Yeah, it's going to be crazy! Thanks for watching, and…

Snotlout, Snotlout, oi, oi, oi!

Thanks again to Zack Pearlman for talking about about his experiences on the show, showing us the mind behind the dragon rider, and giving Berk's Grapevine the honor of receiving an oi, oi, oi!

Berkathon 5.0: Race to the Edge, Season 5

The fifth season of Race to the Edge will be released this Friday at 12 a.m. PT. Want to watch all 13 episodes back-to-back? Want to chat with other sleep-deprived dragon fans while you do so? If so, join the Berk's Grapevine dragon chat,!

If you were at Berkathon 1.0, 2.0, or 3.0, you know what approximately 5 hours of dragon episodes feels like. The episode names and times will be updated when the episodes are released, but the schedule is designed so that you shouldn't have to do anything: except for pausing for breaks, just sit back and let Netflix autoplay keep you on track.

— 5 Minute Break After Release —
53. Living on the Edge~22:30
54. Sandbusted~22:30
55. Something Rotten on Berserker Island~22:30
56. Snotlout's Angels~22:30
— 10 Minute Break —
57. A Matter of Perspective~22:30
58. Return of Thor Bonecrusher~22:30
59. Dawn of Destruction ~22:30
60. The Wings of War, Part 1~22:30
61. The Wings of War, Part 2~22:30
— 10 Minute Break —
62. No Dragon Left Behind~22:30
63. Snuffnut~22:30
64. Searching for Oswald ... and Chicken~22:30
65. Sins of the Past~22:30

You're welcome to join at any point during the 5 hour period, whether you decide to stay awake the whole time or jump in during the middle. Just ask in the chat for the episode we're watching and the time so you can sync up.

Berkathon 4.0: Race to the Edge, Season 4 [UPDATE]

Update: Even more clips have been released! Watch them below!

The fourth season of Race to the Edge will be released this Friday at 12 a.m. PT. Want to watch all 13 episodes back-to-back? Want to chat with other sleep-deprived dragon fans while you do so? If so, join the Berk's Grapevine dragon chat! Here's when Berkathon 4.0 will begin:
If you were at Berkathon 1.0, 2.0, or 3.0, you know what approximately 5 hours of dragon episodes feels like. The episode names and times will be updated when the episodes are released, but the schedule is designed so that you shouldn't have to do anything: except for pausing for breaks, just sit back and let Netflix autoplay keep you on track.

— 5 Minute Break After Release —
40. Defenders of the Wing, Part 2~22:30
41. Gruff Around the Edges~22:30
42. Midnight Skum~22:30
43. Not Lout~22:30
— 10 Minute Break —
44. Saving Shattermaster~22:30
45. Dire Straits~22:30
46. The Longest Day ~22:30
47. Gold Rush~22:30
48. Out of the Frying Pan~22:30
— 10 Minute Break —
49. Twintuition~22:30
50. Blindsided~22:30
51. Shell Shocked: Part 1~22:30
52. Shell Shocked: Part 2~22:30

You're welcome to join at any point during the 5 hour period, whether you decide to stay awake the whole time or jump in during the middle. Just ask Toothless, our lovely dragon bot, for the episode we're watching and the time ("Toothless, time?") so you can sync up. Don't forget to tag your spoilers [using brackets] for fans who haven't caught up to you!

Even More Race to the Edge Clips

If you haven't started the season yet, or if you have started but want a hint of what's to come, DreamWorks has released a set of new (spoiler-free) clips and trailers for the show. Watch them below:

Exclusive Race to the Edge Clip and Interview

You may have seen a preview of this clip in one of the earlier clips that was released, but here is the full scene featuring Viggo and a new dragon, exclusive to Berk's Grapevine! And last week, you asked questions for Race to the Edge executive producers Art Brown and Doug Sloan. Here are there answers to your questions about the upcoming season:

Which of the new dragons or characters should we be most excited about?

The Submaripper — it’s underwater powers are really cool and it will reappear.

The Shadow Wing — a bomber type dragon with smaller ones attached to its wings that detach and do its dirty work.

What are the main ways the riders will be tested this season?

Hiccup’s leadership skills will definitely be tested by Viggo and Ryker, especially towards the end of the season. He will have to get inside their heads if he has any chance to defeat them. He will be emotionally tested as well, especially during Blindsided and after that episode.

The Riders individually will be tested where they need it most, such as Fishlegs’ ability to lead, Astrid’s ability to deal with a very difficult physical impediment, Tuffnut’s ability to choose his sister and friends over Macey.

The Riders as a whole will be tested both physically and emotionally, especially in a particular episode where they are fighting sleep deprivation.

Are there any especially fun moments to watch out for?

Tuffnut playing two roles — his usual wacky self and his cousin, Gruffnut, who looks just like him. Twice the funny.

The kids dealing with sleep deprivation — very funny episode as we see them in ways we never have before.

A first for Hiccup and Astrid. But our LIPS are sealed!

Which episode was most exciting to see in progress, from script to screen?

The Gruffnut episode was especially fun because we got to really play with TJ Miller’s comic genius. He crushed it as Gruffnut. Also, the Submaripper episode and Blindsided, because they had such big moments. Different moments, but big ones.

Will the Dragon Eye play an important role in the next set of episodes?

Yes, the Dragon Eye continues to be very important, although we don’t play keep away with it nor have it moving from side to side. What happens to it has been very carefully crafted as it has to sustain itself down the road. So we use it sparingly, while making sure we don’t get repetitive.

What kinds of ways will the characters grow or change over the season?

Dealing with Viggo, all the characters must grow up, especially Hiccup. As we’ve seen in the prior season, Viggo is a completely different type of villain, one that Hiccup must rise to the occasion to combat.

Individually, we always try to push our characters to grow in situations that they haven’t been in. Hiccup and Astrid will definitely have one of those moments. So will each of our characters as they struggle against demons, both inside them and around them.

The next set of episodes will be released on Netflix this Friday. They normally show up on Netflix at midnight (PST), if you're planning on staying up all night to watch them. You can check the countdown timer in the sidebar to see the exact release time in your time zone!

New Trailer, Hiccup and Astrid, and an Interview!

A New Race to the Edge Trailer

DreamWorks has released the first trailer for the fourth season of Race to the Edge — check it out above! Along with the trailer comes a new season synopsis:

Synopsis: The fate of Hiccup and the Dragon Riders is left in the hands of the mysterious Mala and the Defenders of the Wing, as they work to prove their innocence and create an unlikely alliance. With his elaborate and sinister plans beginning to take shape, Viggo will stop at nothing to get the Riders out of his way, including putting a pricey bounty on Hiccup’s head. The battle against the Dragon Hunters rages on when Season 4 of DreamWorks Dragons: Race to the Edge premieres exclusively on Netflix February 17.

"Hiccup and Astrid's relationship starts to take shape"

If you're a Hiccstrid fan, you're in luck: Season 4 will be when "Hiccup and Astrid's relationship starts to take shape." A full year (and several seasons) ago, we asked Race to the Edge executive producers Art Brown and Doug Sloan about their relationship, and they had this to say:

Art: Oh, yeah. Hiccup and Astrid are definitely moving forward. In each season, they will get a little closer and a little closer to where they are at the beginning of the second movie, which is basically a full-fledged relationship.

Doug: We will not disappoint in terms of the Astrid-Hiccup relationship. It just may take a few more seasons [from last year, after releasing the first season] to get us there. But I promise you.

Art: You will see the beginnings of it. There are elements and Easter eggs and fun stuff always between those two. Whether it's one of them being in danger and how the other one feels about that, or the kids noticing them getting a little closer. The dragons, and how they react to it.

Doug: And how the other kids react to it is great. I mean, we get to be the ones who show them finding out, let's just put it that way.

Ask the Executive Producers Your Questions!

We've been lucky enough to talk with Art Brown and Doug Sloan several times now, and each time we've asked them a questions you submitted. And now you have another chance!

If you have a question for the Race to the Edge executive producers about the upcoming season (or Race to the Edge in general), write it in the comments. Or, upvote the comments of questions for which you would like to hear the answer. Keep in mind that the best questions have spoiler-free answers — they will not want to answer a question that may ruin surprises in upcoming episodes!

Question Submission Deadline

We'll have plenty to share with you up until the Season 4 is released on Netflix on Friday, February 17, so don't forget to check back throughout the next two weeks!

Participate in a Dragon Project with DreamWorks!

DreamWorks Animation has invited you, Berk's Grapevine readers, to participate in a special mystery video project for the upcoming season of Race to the Edge!

Attention Los Angeles Area Dragons: Race to the Edge Fans! You have an opportunity to participate in a project for the upcoming Dragons: Race to the Edge Season 4 debut (February 17, on Netflix). If you're willing to be on-camera for a video that will be released on Facebook and Twitter, then submit your first name ONLY, age, and city/town to [email protected]. All ages are welcome, but if you're under 18 years of age, you'll need a parent or legal guardian with you! Space is limited. Email for more details!​

DreamWorks is looking for 10-20 fans to take part in the project, and spots may fill up quickly. We highly recommend participating if you are around the Los Angeles area next week, but make sure to send in your information as soon as possible!

Race to the Edge: One Month Away!

According to DreamWorks social media, we finally have a release date for the fourth season of Race to the Edge — February 17! Until then, DreamWorks is focused on its latest Netflix show, Trollhunters. (Which we recommend watching while you're waiting for the next 13 Race to the Edge episodes: it may have no dragons, but it's certifiably... crispy.)

What are your thoughts about the next season?

Two More Seasons of Race to the Edge!

It started with twenty episodes of Riders of Berk. Then DreamWorks gave us twenty more episodes in Defenders of Berk. We though it would end there, but then we were surprised by four more season in Race to the Edge. And now we're getting two more seasons of Race to the Edge!

In an interview with EverythingGeekCast, Race to the Edge writer Jack C. Thomas tell us about his experience writing for the show, his opinions on the Dragons universe, and how he got invited in animation. It's a great interview that you should definitely listen to.

And, at the seven minute mark, he lets slip that there are another 26 episodes of Race to the Edge in the works! According to the interview, Race to the Edge was one of the few shows Netflix has ordered more episodes of. This means we have 118 episodes in total, possibly more!

Season 3: More Clips and Images!

Are you ready for the next season of Race to the Edge? Friday still feels like a long way away, so we'll be posting new clips and images throughout the week. Here's the season's summary:

Hiccup and Toothless are back along with your favorite Dragon Riders in an all-new action-packed Season 3 of DREAMWORKS DRAGONS: RACE TO THE EDGE. The high-stakes continue as the Riders advance in their hunt for Viggo, Ryker and their expanded Dragon Hunter army. Tune in as the Riders encounter new dragons, a seemingly reformed Dagur, an underground Dragon Fighting arena, and learn along the way that Viggo has a Dragon Eye and dragon fortress!

Here are two clips that DreamWorks has shared with us so far:

Singetail: You can't sneak up on a Singetail, but it can definitely sneak up on you. Will it get the best of Hiccup and Snotlout?

Buffalord: The riders discover the rare Buffalord dragon while searching for a cure for the Scurge of Odin. Turns out moving it is even harder than finding it?

Even more images and concept art coming up later — stay tuned!

Photos: DreamWorks Animation
DreamWorks Dragons: Race To The Edge © 2016 DreamWorks Animation LLC. All Rights Reserved

New Clip: Meet the Buffalord

Check out this new clip released for the upcoming third season of Race to the Edge! It features large, armored dragon called the Buffalord that the riders find while searching for a cure for the "Scurge of Odin." Any ideas about what purpose this dragon serves?

Season 3 will be released on Netflix on Friday June 24, less than a week away!

One More Month!

It's official now, the release date for the third season of Race to the Edge is June 24! That means we have exactly a month before Hiccup, Toothless, and the others are back on Netflix!

Check back soon… there may be some new images and clips from the new season coming out!

Possible Race to the Edge Season 3 Date

The next season of Race to the Edge may premiere on Netflix on June 24! So far, there's only one source backing up this date and it's not DreamWorks, but it seems like a very reasonable possibility! I guess this means it's time to add a new sidebar countdown!

It's too bad Netflix hasn't accidentally leaked a list of episode names like last time. What do you think will happen in the next thirteen episodes?