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    Jason Derulo Dropped More Than $100,000 On Drinks After "Savage Love" Hit No. 1

    The guy knows how to celebrate.

    Have you heard "Savage Love (Laxed - Siren Beat)" yet? It's the great and laid-back new single from Jason Derulo, BTS, and New Zealand producer Jawsh 685. If you haven't had a listen yet, it's only a matter of time: The song just hit No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100 last week.

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    Columbia Records

    "Savage Love" has been around for a minute now: After posting the instrumental "Laxed - Siren Beat" to YouTube in 2019, Jawsh 685 signed to Columbia Records and the label released it as an official single in April of this year. A version of the song featuring Jason Derulo was released in June, with the BTS remix let loose near the top of this month.

    It's no surprise that "Savage Love" is a hit: BTS teased the song by engaging in a dance challenge with Derulo and Jawsh 685 on TikTok right before it came out. The video's racked up over 44 million views since.

    So yeah, of course this song is a smash — and when you rack up another chart topper, you know you have to party. So Derulo hit up Los Angeles restaurant Catch LA and bought shots for the whole. damn. place. The final bill? Over $112,000.

    His act of generosity extended to influencers in attendance, ranging from Sommer Ray, Ondreaz, Hannah Stocking, and Tayler Holder to Charly Jordan, Michael Le, and MOVI3. And of course, his girlfriend Jena Frumes was there to give him a big ol' congratulatory smooch.

    All we're saying is, the next time Jason Derulo has another No. 1 single, we'll make sure to be at the party too.