Lettee's Reviews > Natural Born Angel

Natural Born Angel by Scott Speer
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It seems that I have been reading a lot of books that are more of Filler and Build-Up books lately than normal. Natural Born Angel does continue on from the first book, Immortal City, and it does have a couple good action and important type of stuff happening in it. But it just seemed to be missing that "umph" you used to get in books. I still enjoyed this second installment, but it was a little difficult to get through at times.


This book is set up a little later than the end of the first book. Maddy, the main female character, decides to become a Guardian Angel in Angel City instead of going on to College. And because she is half Human, half Angel, she is trying to deal with the Angels discrimination with her while training to be a Guardian in the hopes to change a couple of things in the way that the Angels are doing them. Jacks, the main male character, of course had lost his wings at the end of the first book. So he is struggling with getting them back/working and becoming a Guardian again. So, while both Maddy and Jacks are trying to deal with their own personal agenda, you don't get much of their "love story" that the first book had. (But, you will get A LOT of dialog on their thoughts.) You will also continue to follow Detective Sylvester while he tries to figure some "things" out that are going on in Angel City and around the world. (This part of the story also has A LOT of information and can make you cross your eyes.)


Sooo, there are a lot of switching around in the narrators and scenes. You will experience the trials of each of the 3 main characters and be introduced to a couple more new main characters. There are a couple of areas that are intriguing in the book, but overall, it's just not as good as the first one. There are even a couple of areas that threw me for a loop to the point where I had to literally stop reading and go back and try to figure it out. In the end, I didn't really figure it out because it just seems that Scott had skipped over something while "jumping ahead" in the story.

I really do hope the 3rd book will pick back up with the full grab and hold your attention scenario the first book did. And honestly, the Cliff Hanger Scott gave us at the end of this book, I really don't think it will be any other way. Hopefully, we won't be disappointed.

All in all, I still recommend this book and suggest you read the first book before this one. I am really looking forward to the 3rd book and hope Scott will post an update on it soon!
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Reading Progress

April 23, 2013 – Started Reading
April 23, 2013 – Shelved
May 3, 2013 – Finished Reading

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"That's All" Ash Great review, Lettee!

Lettee Ash ~ The Book Snob wrote: "Great review, Lettee!"

Thank you Ash! I have written quite a few and have "a lot" of people telling me I should have my own review site, but I don't have a clue as to how to go about it nor can I really write well, soooo, I guess the "little reviewer" I will stay for now. LOL BUT, I do appreciate all comments. (Good and Bad.) So please feel free to do so. (I also review on Amazon and Amazon Shelfari. :)

Thanks again!

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