'I'm banned from seeing my sister's children after her kids made savage confession'

'Gentle parenting' is ridiculous – my friend's kids are so badly behaved'

'My dad completely ruined my wedding day – I was too angry to enjoy my ceremony'

'I'm terminally ill and want hubby to be happy – he can sleep with my best mate'

'My wedding was a disaster - my dress ripping was just the beginning'

'My husband's mistress was vile to me - now she's died he expects me to care about her'

'A woman sat next to me on empty bus – and then gave me six-word dig for being rude'

People are sharing their 'deliberately misspelled' baby names - and they're eye-opening

'Entitled driver went straight through my fence - but I got the last laugh'

Man declared dead before being revived says he 'walked into brilliant light'

'I married man I met online after two days – I'm 19 and have never been happier'

Women are only just realising how often to wash bras – leaving them dumbstruck

'I found a sex tape of my girlfriend with someone else – now I don’t know what to do'

'I ordered sushi on Deliveroo but something totally different turned up'

‘My fat wife doesn’t understand how to lose weight – I’m sick of her eating habits’

'I hate cousin's baby name – it sounds like it was typed on keyboard with dodgy keys'

'I was baby-faced teen but transformed after landing job – people call me hot sailor'

People left scratching their head looking for engagement ring – see if you can solve it

'My friend didn't understand the name she gave her daughter - it made me question everything'

'I banned my fiancé's female friend from attending our wedding - she pretends I don't exist'

'I abandoned my parents on a Caribbean island to make it back to the cruise on time'

Mum bars son, 22, from listening to 'explicit' music – and everyone has same response

'My Gen X parents are phone zombies - they'd rather scroll on Instagram than talk to me'

'I've learnt so many cooking tips from TV shows - it's a real goldmine'

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