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The Center for Freedom & Democracy (CFD) champions President Reagan’s vision of America as a shining city on a hill by helping to restore his optimistic, confident approach to promoting freedom, democracy, and human dignity both at home and abroad.

Reagan Institute Strategy Group

The Reagan Institute Strategy Group (RISG) is dedicated to studying, developing, and promoting U.S. foreign policy and national security principles and priorities for the 21st century. RISG is working to develop a set of policies that are responsive to today’s political environment and promote America’s security and prosperity, as well as a peaceful international order where free peoples and economic freedom will flourish. RISG gathers conservative leaders with extensive experience in national security and foreign policy who will continue to be involved in the policy process both in and out of government.

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Reagan Institute Summer Survey

The 2023 Reagan Institute Summer Survey is a public opinion poll that assists elected officials, policymakers, and key stakeholders with understanding how Americans view an array of foreign policy and national security matters.

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Spotlight: Dissidents

In 2023, the Ronald Reagan Institute launched the newest initiative of its Center for Freedom & Democracy, called “Spotlight: Dissidents.” This project focuses and builds upon the previous work of the Center to bring attention to the plight of dissidents around the world. We aim to highlight their courageous efforts to promote freedom in their home countries.

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Westminster 2.0 Working Group

As freedom and democracy face challenges around the world, the cause of renewing our commitment to President Reagan’s ideals has never been more urgent. The Westminster 2.0 Working Group took on the question of how to modernize efforts to promote freedom in the context of 21st-century challenges and opportunities, from rising authoritarianism to emerging technologies.

Press Release   Working Group Report  

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Center for Freedom & Democracy Launch Event 

On November 10, 2020, the Center was launched with a keynote address from U.S. Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo, followed by a conversation moderated by Reagan Institute Director Roger Zakheim. The event concluded with a panel conversation featuring the co-chairs of the Reagan Institute’s Westminster 2.0 Working Group, Ambassador Mark Green and Mr. Kenneth Wollack.

Conversations with Great Communicators

On Tuesday, April 30, 2019 the Ronald Reagan Institute hosted Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL), as a part of our Conversations with Great Communicators Speaker Series.

On April 30, 1984, President Reagan delivered a speech at Shanghai’s Fudan University during his historic trip to China. Speaking directly to the Chinese people, he championed freedom and democracy in the heart of Communist China. To commemorate the 35th anniversary of this speech, Senator Rubio discussed the historical significance of President Reagan’s remarks as well as the current state of the US-Chinese relationship.